This past year, we have had the privilege of serving as the sponsor for United Way of Champaign County’s Women Untied initiative. Through our involvement, we have learned so much about our community and the powerful work being done by our neighbors at United Way.
Did you know that women’s philanthropy is the fastest growing branch of philanthropy in the world. The data shows that when women have more money, they spend more on women, children, and their communities. In essence, when women are empowered financially, communities prosper.
United Way’s Women United Program champions the health, education, and financial stability of every person in our community by amplifying the voices of its more than 700 community members. These are women who care about their community and want to see that all families have the opportunity to thrive.
Some of Women United’s biggest wins to date include establishing a scholarship fund for women attending Parkland College and granting critical financial support to the Emergency Shelter for Families. This past year, Women United has expanded their efforts to support Early Grade Level Success in our local schools. They have been a driving force in growing volunteerism for the iRead iCount Program, which brings volunteers into the grade schools to help children develop early literacy and math skills. Another new initiative this past year is the Sweet Dreams and Pajama Drive in which local businesses and organizations rallied for donations of new pajamas and books for gradeschool children to encourage literacy and healthy sleep habits. Stay tuned this year as Women United continues to enhance current and introduce new initiatives to help our local families.
At Tenet, we believe that a strong community fosters strong families and businesses. We feel so fortunate to live and do business in Champaign County where we have organizations like United Way that are making a difference in the lives of our community members. As business owners, we believe we have a responsibility to give back to the community and do our part to strengthen local families.
If you are interested in learning more or getting involved with United Way and their Women United initiative, consider attending one of their upcoming Social Events or Volunteer Opportunities. You can also sign up to receive their newsletter that contains reminders and registration opportunities for upcoming events.