Understanding your overall cash flow is vital. Individuals benefit from cash flow planning by ensuring that they have the proper amount set aside for an emergency fund, can support their desired spending, and target what can be set aside to grow for various savings goals. Planning allows clients to efficiently allocate income between savings and spending.
Fiduciary Financial Advisors Cash Flow Planning
Planning becomes even more important when navigating different phases of life. Whether it’s time for children to head to college, transitioning to retirement, or any other life event that forces you to consider how to use all of your resources effectively. Having a trusted advisor to help guide you through life changes not only provides a solid plan but gives peace of mind as well.
Tenet’s cash flow planning services include:
- Emergency Fund Establishment
- Retirement Income Planning
- Savings Strategies – Secondary Education, Retirement, Large Purchases, etc.
- Spending Goal Analysis
- Liability Payoff Strategies
- Prioritization of Cash Flows
We invite you to contact us to learn how we can help you build greater value into your financial situation.